Create #AWorld4AllAges with the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism by using our supporters’ logo

Got an event, publication, local campaign, or other initiative aiming to change how we think, feel, and act towards age and ageing?

Be part of the WHO’s Global Campaign to Combat Ageism by using its supporters’ logo and help grow the movement.

Almost everyone can use this logo without asking us for permission, as long as your goals are aligned with the Global Campaign.

(So please be reasonable and don’t use it, for example, to sell things or make a profit. And if you do use it, help us amplify your work by sharing it with!)

Download the supporters’ logo




  • The Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos are made available only for informational purposes to promote the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism.

    Use of Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos must be consistent with the Global Campaign’ Visual Brandbook and the vision, mission, and goals of the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism.

    The Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos may not be used to promote any activity, service, or product of a non-State actor and should in no case be used in conjunction with commercial, promotional marketing or advertisement purposes.

    The Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos may not be used by the tobacco or arms industries or non-State actors that work to further the interests of the tobacco or arms industries.

    All rights in the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos remain with the World Health Organization.

    Permission to use the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos does not include any right to use the name or emblem of the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), or any other UN agency, nor imply any affiliation with the WHO or the UN, or endorsement by WHO or the UN of any entity, its views, opinions or activities.

    WHO does not award the entity (its members, branches or subsidiaries) with any privilege or competitive advantage.

    WHO shall not be responsible for the way the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos are used.

    WHO may revoke the right to use the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos at any time without any further explanation, including in the event that these Terms of Use are not complied with.

    The Global Campaign to Combat Ageism Secretariat based at WHO may request any use of the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos to be modified or deleted at any time without any further explanation.

    The user of the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism supporters’ logos shall not register a trademark containing the Global Campaign's name, logos or visual elements developed from the logos in any language or media.